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3rd February 2014

Claims that increase in number of over-90s using ambulance services linked to social care cuts

The number of older people in the 90+ age group using the amubalance service to get to hospital since 2009-2010 has risen by 81% according to new figures.

Analysis by the Labour party showed that 300,370 people over the age of 90 were taken to A&E by ambulance in the last year, a big increase compared with previous years. In 2009-10, the figure was 165,910.

The data comes from tables of ambulance activity in England, published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Update by Health and Social Care Information Centre - analysis of figures shows 48 per cent increase in A&E visits for over-90s

An updated statement on published by the Health and Social Care Information Centre website said:

A&E attendances (excluding planned attendances) in 2009/10 HES recorded 202,537 attendances with an arrival method by ambulance of patients aged 90 and over at A&E departments in England. In 2012/13 the HES figure for attendances of the same was 300,039. This represents a rise of 48.1 per cent.

The Labour party said the figures confirmed that cuts to social care funding were driving up the need for hospital attention among the elderly, who often suffered a range of conditions.

Read more on this story

Guardian: use of ambulances by over-90s to A&E rises by 81%

AgeUK: 81% increase in trips to A&E for over-90s

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